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Top 5 Earrings To Go With Traditional Attires

Top 5 Earrings To Go With Traditional Attires
earrings are that one set of jewels that instantly lights up your face. In fact, if you get your earring game right, half the battle is won. The other half is taken care of by your attire. So the jewel piece so crucial, cannot be just about any pair. So we have handpicked the top 5 earrings to make...

Sibling Goals: Best Jewellery Gifts For Raksha Bandhan

Sibling Goals: Best jewellery gift for Raksha Bandhan
Once we grow up, we move on to our respective lives but sibling bond remains special forever. Certainly, because they are your first playmate, secret keeper, and yes, a partner in crime too. Besides, you've grown together, faced similar life challenges, also seen each others' best and worst, and yes, the little sacrifices you make for each other. Even if...

8 Cocktail Rings to Make a Bold Statement in 2021

7 Cocktail Rings to Make a Bold Statement in 2021
catching up with friends and want to make a strong style statement in 2021? A stunning cocktail ring can do the trick. But the fear is of wearing something mediocre or any common design. So here is an eclectic range of exclusive designs in cocktail rings that will make onlookers skip a heartbeat. Captures the Beauty of Dry Logs You may...

Statement Silver Handcuffs For A Stylish Outing

silver statement kadas
Perfection is not always what you seek in your appearance. Sometimes it is a bit of exclusivity that works wonders for you. This is why you always reach out to your jewellery box. Your jewellery will never let you down. It deservedly accessorises you to achieve that singular style - sometimes with only a single piece of jewel, and...